If you have no programming experience, you only need to learn the three knowledge points of variables, functions and control structures, and you can use GML language to write the game by hand. All you need to do is to be familiar with functions.

Happy to announce a new #gamedev integration for GameAnalytics! ? We’ve now added a #GameMaker SDK to the mix! you have a basic C-like language, you don’t need to learn GML. Sign up to GameAnalytics now to start understanding your players. In addition, you’re able to benchmark your game’s core KPIs against thousands of titles of a similar genre.

GameMaker uses a simple built-in language called GML, which helps you learn to program as you as you go. GameMaker makes use of an intuitive ‘drag and drop’ development environment so that you can have your game up and running in a matter of minutes with minimal technical knowledge and without having to write endless lines of code. Download the latest version of the GameAnalytics SDK for GameMaker Studio 2 here. ❗️ Edit (Aug 23rd, 2017): We have updated the GameAnalytics SDK and now offer full support for GameMaker Studio 2. The aim of this engine from YoYo Games is to break down the barriers to getting started with game development. This SDK integrates seamlessly with GameMaker Studio 1.4 and we have plans to update to the latest and greatest incarnation of the GameMaker engine soon. How gaming studios use DataSuite to find hit games